Victor Tischler

Art agency Gerald Weinpolter purchases quality paintings from Victor Tischler.

Detailed information about Victor Tischler (Wien 1890 - 1951 Beaulieu-sur-Mer:

Viktor Tischler was born in 1890 in Vienna. When he was only fourteen years old he took lessons in painting by David Kohn. Between 1907 to 1912 he studied Art at the "Akademie der bildenen Künste" in Vienna under Rudolf Bacher and Franz Runpler. From 1928 to 1940 he lived in Paris. Tischler's style of painting was very much influenced by Paul Cezanne. In his early years he created portraits, genre painitngs and stillives;in his later years he focused on landscapes and marinepieces from the South of France as well as views from old castles and parks. In 1941, during the german occupation in paris, Viktor Tischler emigrated to the United States. In 1949 he returned to Cannes. The artist had numerous exhibitions of his works in Austria as well as in galleries in other countries. At the exhibition "The Austrian Art of the presence" he showed the portrait of Miss Else Lederer. Tischler's paintings are located in the Austrian Gallery in Vienna and in the Gallery in Prague as well as in other museums. In 1918 Viktor Tischler became president of the artist circle "Neue Vereinigung" and from 1920 to 1938 he was a member of the "Hagenbund". Viktor Tischler died in 1951 in Beaulieu-sur-Mer in France.

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